Teresa Edgerton
author of fantasy
Available now: a reprint edition of Goblin Moon in paperback on Lulu.com or in a Kindle edition for $3.99 from Amazon.
Teresa Edgerton writes fantasy novels—both steampunk and high fantasy—that are published under her own name and under her pseudonym, Madeline Howard.
This site is packed with information about Teresa, her books, her characters, and the lands she has created. You'll find curious apparati to ponder, games to play, a video to watch, and unpublished prologues to read. You can take a fantasy quiz—or two—listen to music, and take a peek behind the scenes of writing a novel.
Or, if all that sounds too exhausting, you might want to just sit back and enjoy the cover art for Teresa's latest novel, A Dark Sacrifice, which is available for purchase now.