Teresa Edgerton
author of fantasy
- Amusement
- Tryffin's Rules to Cyffle
- The Crystal Mirror
- Caer Cadwy Page School
- The Duchess's Parchment
- Mistess Sancreedi's Apothecary Shop
- Fantasy Quizzes
- The Hidden Stars Video
- Behind the Scenes
- Research
- Interview of Teresa
- Early Draft
- First Draft
- Idea Development
- Nature's Inspiration
- Musical Inspiration
I enjoy creating weird contraptions and entertainments for my characters. Use the links on the left to share the fun.
Enter at your own risk.
Behind the Scenes
Take a peek behind the scenes, to see what goes into writing a novel.
"It is better that a writer should be natural in a self-pleasing quaintness than to affect a naturalness (so-called) that should be strange to him."
—Charles Lamb on his own writing style