Teresa Edgerton
author of fantasy
- Novels
- The Rune of Unmaking
- The Queen's Necklace
- The Green Lion Trilogy
- The Celydonn Trilogy
- The Goblin Moon Duology
- Short Stories
- 1997-2004
- 1994-1996
- Foreign Editions
- German
- eBook Editions
- Mask and Dagger Duology
Coming soon: a new edition of the long OP Goblin Moon
Pronunciation Guide for The Rune of Unmaking
Readers should feel free to pronounce the names in The Rune of Unmaking books in any way that is easiest or most pleasing to them. However, for those interested in the correct and original pronunciations, I offer the following guide.
Places |
People |
Thäerie | THAY-ree | Faolein | FAY-oh-LINE | |
Phaôrax | FAY-oh-racks | Éireamhóine | AIR-ah-vhoyn | |
Erios | EYE-ree-ohss | Curóide | coo-ROYD | |
Rheithûn | rye-THOON | Ouriána | oh-ree-ON-ah | |
Otöi | aht-OY | Sindérian | sin-DAY-ree-on | |
Mirizandi | meer-ah-ZAHN-dee | Nimenoë | nim-en-OH-ee | |
Alluinn | al-ooWIN | Rionnagh | ree-on-NAHk | |
Gonlündor | gon-LOON-dor | Réodan | RAY-oh-don | |
Skyrra | skee-RAH | Camhóinhann | cah-VHOYN-ahn | |
Leal | (rhymes with wheel) | Elidûc | EL-eh-duke | |
Mere | (rhymes with fear) | Anerüian | an-eh-ROO-yon | |
Hythe | (rhymes with tithe) | Ruan | rune | |
Arkenfell | AR-ken-FELL | Iobhar | EYE-oh-vhar | |
Weye | way | Cuillioc | QWILL-ee-ahch | |
Pentheirie | penth-EYE-ree | Winloki | win-LOW-kee | |
Apharos | af-FAY-rows | Kivik | KIV-ick | |
Skerry | (rhymes with ferry) | |||
Ristil | RIZ-till | |||
Luenil | LOO-neel | |||
Dreyde | (rhymes with deed) | |||
Thaga | THAH-gah | |||
Gilrain | gill-RAY-en | |||
Maelor | MAY-lore | |||
Furiádhin | FOO-ree-AHD-in | |||